
Delighting in Good

Rather than feeling envious of those who seem to have been rewarded for acting badly, celebrate that God delights in who you are.

Read Psalm 37:1-11, 39-40.

In this psalm, we find good advice. When you see good things happening to people who are selfish or cause harm to others or are lacking in scruples, don’t worry about it. Eventually, they will reap what they sow. Instead, we should focus on our own thoughts, words, and behaviors. Are we looking for the best in others? Are we using words that are healing and uplifting? Are we seeking to be a blessing to others? Are we life-givers or are we life-sappers?

In the in-between verses of this reading, we are told that God delights in those who walk in kindness and justice. Rather than feeling envious of those who seem to have been rewarded for acting badly, celebrate with joy that others can trust you, feel safe with you, and are blessed because they have known you. Celebrate that God delights in who you are.

In prayer, offer thanks to God for the many opportunities to choose between right and wrong, ask God for discernment in knowing the difference and for the courage to choose the good.