

This reading gives us helpful advice for those times when we are feeling overwhelming fear, anxiety, or despair.

Read Psalm 91:1-6, 14-16.

This reading gives us helpful advice for those times when we are feeling overwhelming fear, anxiety, or despair. We can counter those feelings with images of God’s protective love. We can picture ourselves nestled in the warmth and safety of God’s wings. We can see God’s faithfulness serving as a shield from whatever life throws at us. Rather than trying to save ourselves, this psalm reminds us to call on God in times of desperation. It tells us we don’t have to go through the storms of life alone.

Are there any situations right now that feel overwhelming to you? Do you feel trapped in a particular mindset or do you feel like life keeps shooting arrows your way?

Offer these situations to God and as you breathe steadily and slowly, picture yourself finding shelter and refuge under the wing of God’s protective, steadfast love.