
How Will I Know?

According to Jesus, the evidence of who he is lies in those who have experienced healing.

Read Matthew 11:2-11.

It’s interesting to me that John the Baptist sent his followers to ask Jesus who he was. John was, after all, the one who baptized Jesus. He was, according to Matthew, the one who said he was unworthy to even untie the straps of Jesus’ sandals. In the intervening years, had he begun to doubt? Is it because Jesus wasn’t a Messiah like the one the Jews had been waiting for, one who would raise up an army to overthrow their oppressors?

In this exchange, we hear Jesus reframing their expectations for what a Messiah was to do. According to Jesus, the evidence of who he is lies in those who have experienced healing.

From what have you been healed? How does your life testify to that? What brokenness is still within you? Do you need physical, spiritual, or emotional healing?

Offer it all to God, the Great Physician, in prayer.