
Called into Existence

God calls into existence the things that do not exist.

Read Romans 4:1-5, 13-17.

In this passage, we read of righteousness and justification as the outcome of faith. In vs. 5, we read that God, “justifies the ungodly.” In this, we find the promise that we don’t have to get it right, get ourselves together, or get our ducks in a row before God offers us salvation and grace. God invites us into relationship and renewal even while we are a mess, beginning a new work within us, sometimes before we are aware that something needs to change.

We may feel like we have little to offer, but hear the promise in vs. 17: [God] calls into existence the things that do not exist. God calls into existence the strength, the courage, the patience, the will for good, the hope for a better future…whatever you feel you lack to live a fully reconciled life of gratitude, generosity, and compassion.

What areas of your life are still a work in progress? How do you see God continuing to work on you, in you, and through you?

Today, confess your “ungodly” thoughts or behaviors, and find assurance in God’s promise of reckoning your faith as righteousness.