
Good Stewards

In the story of creation, we are told humans are caretakers for all of creation, including the natural world and the rest of humankind.

Read Psalm 8.

Here, the psalmist marvels at how big God is, creator and ruler over all of creation, and yet intimately aware of and mindful over every person. The important question asked in verse 4 is, “What are human beings…?” In the story of creation, we are told humans are caretakers for all of creation, including the natural world and the rest of humankind.

In what ways do you act as a good steward of God’s creation (understood as the natural world and humankind alike)? How might the way you live out your care for all of creation be a psalm of praise?

Today, as modern mystic Pierre Teilhard de Chardin invites: “Try, with God’s help, to perceive the connection – even physical and natural – which binds your labor with the building of the kingdom of heaven.”