
Nothing Can Separate

Nothing can separate us from the love of God.

Read Romans 8:26-39.

In this passage, Paul promises that nothing in life or in death, nothing we do or have done to us – nothing – can separate us from the love of God. These words were written by a man who had every reason to believe God had abandoned him. He had suffered greatly for his work in the spread of the good news of redemption through Jesus Christ. Brought on by his encounter with the risen Christ, Paul experienced a transformation that began at the center of his being and worked its way out into his thoughts, words, and actions.

In what ways is the steadfast love of God transforming you? How is that love manifesting itself in your own thoughts, words, and actions? Looking at the state of our world today, where do you see God bringing good out of what looks irredeemable?

Today, offer a prayer of thanksgiving for the promises contained in these verses.