
Bless this Home

How has your home served as a center of hospitality, safety, healing, and rest for you, your family, and visitors?

Read Exodus 12:1-14.

As we read of the first Passover, we begin to understand the connection with this story and the New Testament references to Jesus as the Lamb of God. In verse 7, the Israelites are instructed to paint the lintel and the two doorposts with the blood of the slaughtered lamb. This is to be a sign that keeps death at bay. I am reminded of the tradition, celebrated at Epiphany, called, “Chalking the Door.” Each year, families chalk the door with the new year, separated by the letters C+M+B. For example, this year, it would have been 20+C+M+B+23.

The letters stand for the Latin words Christus Mansionem Benedictat, which means “May Christ bless this house.” It is also a symbol that this is a household of hospitality, safety, healing, and rest. How has Christ blessed your house this year? How has your home served as a center of hospitality, safety, healing, and rest for you, your family, and visitors?

Offer a prayer of thanksgiving for your home and invite Christ to bless it once again.