
No Greater Love

Here, Jesus is talking about the sacrificial nature of his love for his friends.

Read John 15:9-17.

When we say we love someone, we are usually describing a feeling we have towards them. In this reading, though, Jesus is talking about something altogether different. He is talking about love in action, about the evidence of our love for another person, about the sacrificial nature of his love for his friends. Abiding in him means loving the people around us in the same way. We may not be called to sacrifice our very lives for someone else, but we all, from time to time, feel called to sacrifice our time, our energy, our priorities, or our attention.

When this happens, how do you respond? Begrudgingly, joyfully, or somewhere in between? Have you experienced the complete joy that Jesus describes in this passage? How important is it to maintain healthy boundaries while abiding in Christ in this way?

Today, offer a prayer of thanks for someone who has sacrificed out of love for you and commit yourself to abiding in Christ in the same way.