
A Prayer for Leaders

When you pray for our local, national, and international leaders, for what do you ask?

Read Psalm 72.

In this prayer for the king, the psalmist asks for God to guide the leader into the ways of God’s kingdom. They pray that the king would be righteous and just, both alert and responsive to the needs of the poor and oppressed. In God’s kingdom, the goal is not that the powerful remain powerful or that the status quo be preserved. Instead, it is that every person is safe, cared for, provided for, and that every person has a voice that is heard. In God’s kingdom, there is enough for everyone – enough for each person’s physical, spiritual, and emotional needs – enough for each person to recognize their own worth as well as that of others.

When you pray for our local, national, and international leaders, for what do you ask? Make a list of qualities you think are important in a leader. How do you think these align with the values of God’s kingdom?

Today, offer a prayer for leaders at all levels of government. Bonus points: send a note or email to one expressing your appreciation.