
Water and Wine

Sometimes we need a little encouragement to step outside of our comfort zone and try something new.

Read John 2:1-11.

This is a rich story of Jesus’ first miracle in the gospel of John. Mary understands the shame this might bring on the host of the wedding and she knows how to remedy the situation. She tells Jesus to do what she knows he can do. His hesitation is interesting. Is he worried he can’t do it and will look foolish? Does he know that once he steps onto the path of his mission and ministry, there’s no turning back? Does he want to be a regular wedding guest like everyone else for just a little longer?

Regardless of his initial reticence, he obeys his mother, far exceeding her expectations, turning water into the best wine anyone there had ever tasted. Sometimes we need a little encouragement to step outside of our comfort zone and try something new.

Can you think of a time in your life when this has been the case? Who encouraged you? How much prodding did it take? What were your fears or hesitations? How did it work out in the end? Is there something new you’ve been thinking of trying – maybe a new ministry, a new hobby, a new friendship? Who is someone you could share this with who would encourage you to go for it? What is the worst that could happen?

Today in prayer, ask for the courage to try something new and for a soft landing if your effort fails.