
Reach In

Activities and practices we do within the congregation that affirm who we are, whose we are, and equip us to enact that identity beyond the walls of the church building.

Adult Sunday School

We offer Sunday school year-round for adults at 9:00 a.m. in the conference room. Enjoy lively, thought-provoking discussion of the scriptures and the practical application of the Christian faith in daily life. Drop-ins are welcome!

Children’s Sunday School

During the school year, we offer Sunday school at 9:00 a.m. for children ages 3 and up. Children will learn the basics of the Christian faith informed by stories from the bible. Lessons include crafts, games, and music.

Youth Group

Youth grades 6-12 participate in monthly activities including fun trips and day-long mission trips. Times of study and devotion are integrated into these offerings.

Messy Church

On the fourth Sundays of most months throughout the year, we offer Messy Church. This is an all-ages worship experience that uses drama, games, crafts, and music centered on a different bible story each month. It is a time to celebrate the fact that sometimes, life with Jesus can get a bit messy. Snacks and a free meal are a part of each Messy Church.

United Methodist Women

We have an active United Methodist Women unit. This group is dedicated to study, mission giving, and supporting the ministries of the church. Annual fundraisers for mission giving include the sale of casseroles in the first part of the year and the sale of pies around Thanksgiving.

Reach Out

Transformational acts of service and witness, compassion and generosity addressing local and global need, springing from a sense of gratitude for God’s continued presence in our lives and in the world.

Mission Trips

Every year, adults and youth participate in several day-long mission trips. Recent ones have included Habitat for Humanity and Food Bank of the Rockies. We have partnered with After Hours as they serve sandwiches to those who make their home on the streets around Civic Center Park in Denver. Week-long trips are traditionally offered every other year.

Rising Up

Our Annex building is home to Rising Up, a charitable organization dedicated to addressing issues of hunger and homelessness in our community. Click here for more information.