
On the Sins of Others

We all struggle with dealing gently when it comes to the wrongdoing of others.

Read Hebrews 5:1-10.

In vs. 2, we read that those who have been chosen as priests – as the representatives and mediators between God and God’s people – are “able to deal gently with the ignorant and wayward, since [they themselves are] subject to weakness; and because of this [they] must sacrifice for [their] own sins as well as for those of the people.”

We all (including your pastor) struggle with dealing gently when it comes to the wrongdoing of others. We are often quick to point out the misstep of another, sometimes even name-calling or trying to shame. I wonder if remembering our own weaknesses, missteps, and mistakes would help us to be more gentle with others when they mess up.

Today, if someone cuts you off in traffic, remember a time you made a mistake while driving. If someone fails to respond quickly to a phone call or email, remember a time your day got away from you and it took you some time to respond. If someone says a careless word that hurts your feelings, remember a time you have done the same thing. Whatever the frustration, remember that you have probably, at least to some degree, done the same thing. At the end of the day, reflect on the impact that remembering your own sins has had on the way you respond to those of another.