

Used in many of the psalms, scholars believe the word ‘Selah’ gives instruction to pause.

Read Psalm 67.

This is a psalm intended to be used in corporate worship. In it, we see the word, Selah. Used in many of the psalms, scholars believe the word gives instruction to pause. It might have indicated an instrumental interlude. In the midst of singing and offering praise, the congregation is instructed to quiet their voices, still their spirits, and listen. This is a valuable practice that prepares us for a meaningful, impactful expression and experience of worship.

Think about our typical worship service. If a visitor came in, what would they learn about God? What would they assume Christian community to look like if we were their only example? How does the way we relate to one another and to the world reveal what we believe about God?

This week, make it a point to quiet your voice and to still your spirit during the “pauses” in worship such as the prelude or time of silent prayer.