
Clothed with Power

To what degree do you view your time of worship and prayer about preparing to go out into the world and share the love, hope, and joy of Jesus?

Read Luke 24:44-53.

This reading comes just after Jesus meets two disciples on the road to Emmaus, spends time in conversation about the scriptures, shares a meal, gives them understanding about his identity and mission, and then vanishes. As the disciples are talking about it, Jesus appears among them, offering peace and understanding once again. Jesus knows that they are not ready to go out and share the gospel message because they still don’t quite get it. Instead, he instructs them to go to Jerusalem for a time of prayer, worship, and preparation.

To what degree do you view your time of worship and prayer about preparing to go out into the world and share the love, hope, and joy of Jesus? Do you come to worship expecting to feel better about yourself, about your life, about the world? I hope so! But I also hope that you come to worship expecting to be challenged, equipped, and sent to take your faith beyond yourself. I hope you view worship as a time of preparation, as the disciples did.

Today in prayer, ask God to clothe you with the power to come alongside someone who needs a kind or hopeful word, a listening ear, or a steady shoulder.