

“O, how I love your law! It is my meditation all day long” (Psalm 119:97).

Read Psalm 119:97-104.

“O, how I love your law! It is my meditation all day long” (vs. 97). Meditation is a word we hear a lot of these days. We may practice meditating in silence or participate in a guided meditation. We may meditate on a big decision or new idea or even meditate on what to make for supper. But here, the psalmist uses the word meditation in terms of focusing our attention and basing our intention on scripture. Quite often, we spend most of our time meditating on past hurts or disappointments, on our to-do list, or on our hopes for the future.

On what do you spend most of your time meditating? Is the focus on these thoughts helpful or lifegiving to you? Does it nourish your relationship with God or with others? If not, are there practices that might help you to keep scripture “always with you”?

Read this passage slowly again and find one or two verses that especially speak to you. Memorize these verses and recite them to yourself throughout the day.