
Wake Up

Would you say, at this moment, that you are energized in your faith or feeling a little bit sleepy?

Read Romans 13:11-14.

In this reading, Paul is addressing the human tendency to become complacent in our spirituality, even backsliding into bad habits. Writing only about 15 years or so after Jesus’ death and resurrection, he firmly believes that Jesus will return any day now and his listeners must be ready for his return. He urges his readers to wake up from their sluggishness. Of course, two millennia later, we are still waiting. But we are still called to live as if we are actively waiting for the return of Christ, to enact the kingdom of which Jesus taught, even as we wait.

Would you say, at this moment, that you are energized in your faith or feeling a little bit sleepy? What would it take for you to “wake up” or to maintain your energy for Jesus?

This Advent, commit yourself to at least one new practice that will enliven your faith.