
Prepare the Way

Baptism is about receiving a new identity and a new vocation.

Read Matthew 3:1-12.

In this scene, we see a flow of people coming to John to confess and repent of their sins. But then, he sees the Pharisees and Sadducees coming for baptism and questions their motives. In his words of confrontation, we might also hear John asking us to consider the call that baptism places on our lives. Baptism is more than saying a one-time prayer and then going about your life unchanged. It is more than just joining a club. It is about receiving a new identity and a new vocation. As a member of Christ’s body, you are called to honest self-examination, confession, and repentance. Every word and every act should be rooted in the grace you have been given and continue to receive.

As you prepare for the coming of Christ, what might you confess to God? Of what do you need to repent?

Offer a prayer of confession and commit yourself to turning back towards God’s desired path for your life.