

Here, the psalmist affirms the positive outcome of waiting patiently for God to act in redemptive ways.

Read Psalm 40:1-11.

Here, the psalmist affirms the positive outcome of waiting patiently for God to act in redemptive ways. “He drew me up from the desolate pit, out of the miry bog, and set my feet upon a rock, making my steps secure. He put a new song in my mouth, a song of praise to our God” (vs. 2-3).

When we are in a desperate place, it is not easy to be patient and to trust that God will, in the end, draw us out of the depths and set us on level ground once again. It’s also inspiring to read what the psalmist did with this experience. They shared their experience openly. Rather than feeling shame that they had been brought so low in the first place, they celebrated the gift of being brought out on the other side.

How patient are you with God when things are not going well in your life or in the world? How tempting is it to take things into your own hands? When has practicing patience made a difference in difficult situations in your life?

In prayer, commit yourself to practicing patience, trusting that God is walking with you in the difficulty, and to sharing the glad news of God’s deliverance.