
Gifted Community

While individual members do not have every spiritual gift, collectively, the whole body does.

Read 1 Corinthians 1:1-9.

“…you are not lacking in any spiritual gift as you wait for the revealing of our Lord” (vs. 7). It’s important to remember that Paul is addressing a community, rather than an individual. While individual members do not have every spiritual gift, collectively, the whole body does. This reality lends itself to the need for unity and for every member of the fellowship to contribute, even if it’s in some small way.

Maybe you cannot sing, but are you good at greeting people by name? Maybe you are afraid to speak in public, but can you bring a pot of soup to the local shelter? Maybe you don’t feel comfortable teaching a Sunday school class, but could you be a mentor to one confirmation student? Consider the spiritual gifts of those who are part of our congregation. What does each person offer that you can’t?

This week, commit yourself to affirming the gifts of at least one person.