
Light Bearers

Using the prophet as a light-bearer is a powerful image because we all know what it’s like to be in the dark.

Read Isaiah 49:1-7.

In verse 6 we read, “I will give you as a light to the nations, that my salvation may reach to the end of the earth.” Using the prophet as a light-bearer is a powerful image because we all know what it’s like to be in the dark. In the dark, we can’t see where to take the next step and it’s hard to find our way. When the light of God shines into our darkness, though, it is more than just about sight. It is about recognizing and rejoicing in God’s active role in delivering and redeeming us, in breaking the yoke of the people or ideas that weigh heavily on us.

What darkness do you see in the world or in your life right now? How might the light of God dawn on these situations?

Today, offer these situations to God in prayer.