
Come and Follow

Jesus met people where they were, going about their daily lives, and called them to follow.

Read Matthew 4:12-23.

Matthew loves connecting the dots between Jesus and the ancient prophecies. Here, Matthew asserts it is Jesus who is the Light, Jesus who calls us to follow him, Jesus who proclaims good news to all people, and Jesus who brings healing. As Jesus walked the shores of the Sea of Galilee, he met people where they were, going about their daily lives, and called them to follow.

It seems that sometimes, we only expect Jesus to come calling when we have set aside special time for him: during a worship service or during our designated prayer and devotion time. But Jesus has a habit of showing up when we least expect him: in our everyday interactions, in chance encounters, in opportunities to offer help or a steady shoulder or a listening ear.

Today, take an inventory of when Jesus might have been calling you to follow him over the past few days. Like the disciples, did you ‘drop your nets’ and follow? Did you ignore the call or decide to take a rain check?

Offer a prayer of confession for those times when you have not answered Jesus’ call and thank him that he just keeps on showing up.