
Therefore, Go!

How well are we living out our mission for and with Jesus?

Read Matthew 28:16-20.

According to the Wesley Study Bible: “What is needed for the world to believe the message of Jesus? Live it! Telling, in Matthew’s Gospel, is about our mission as the church. Without mission there is no Christianity. The mission of the church today, as it was for the early church, is to reconcile us to God. But first, Jesus tells us, we must be reconciled to our sisters and brothers. Reconciliation – healing the rifts created by violence, discrimination, and greed – that is the church’s mission. Reconciliation for the sake of the flourishing of all life is what being a disciple of Jesus is all about.”

How well are we, as individuals and the church, living out our mission as envisioned by the writer of this commentary? What concrete steps can we take to accomplish this mission?

Offer prayers of healing for those affected by violence, discrimination, and greed. Ask God how you might become a force of reconciliation in your community.