
Grace: A Gift of Love

Grace is given not because of what we’ve done, but because of who God is.

Read Romans 4:13-25.

As Paul recounts Abraham’s journey, he reminds his readers that when God made a covenant with Abraham, the only requirement was for him to trust in God. He did not have to earn God’s faithfulness. It was given as a gift of steadfast love. In the same way, we are reconciled to God through the grace of Jesus Christ. There is no list of rules we must obey to receive that grace. We simply need to trust.

Trusting is not always as easy as it sounds. We live in a culture that is transactional, where we are taught we have to earn love and friendship and kindness. Grace is given not because of what we’ve done, but because of who God is. Any goodness we enact in our lives is the fruit of that gift, and, I would imagine, is a delight to God.

Consider any good you have done in the past week. What were your motivations in being kind or helpful? Did you do it to receive the gratitude or admiration of others? Did you do it to earn an extra measure of God’s grace? Or did you do it because the goodness of God dwells deep within your spirit?

Today, give thanks for the grace offered to you through Jesus and pray for a trusting heart.