
By No Means!

Dying to our old selves and being raised in the life of Christ means we are no longer the same people we were.

Read Romans 6:1-11.

There are those who believe that the grace offered in Jesus Christ allows them to act any old way they want to. Their confession of faith has no impact on the way they live or treat others. Paul insists in this reading that this should not be the case. “Should we continue in sin in order that grace may abound,” he asks. “By no means!”

Instead, because we have been given new life through Christ, we should set aside our old, destructive ways. Dying to our old selves and being raised in the life of Christ means we are no longer the same people we were. We are better than that because God has made us so. We are not called to be perfect, but we are called to strive to put our sins behind us.

What aspects of your old self do you struggle to let go? What marks of the Christian life do you see in yourself? Have you ever felt like the grace offered through Jesus gives you permission to act or speak poorly? To what degree do you believe that God can meet you and love you where you are, but still compel you to live a life worthy of your calling as a disciple of Jesus?

Today in prayer, ask for forgiveness of your sins and for the strength, the courage, and the desire to do better.