
Drawing Lines

Jesus advises us to be less concerned with the wrong we see in others and more concerned about the fruit we are bearing in our own lives.

Read Matthew 13:24-30, 36-43.

In this parable, Jesus is revealing the fact that we humans are not always the best judge of character. We draw lines between who we think is good (us) and who we think is bad (them), who should be in (us) and who should be out (them), or who is right (us) and who is wrong (them). Throughout the Gospels and especially in Matthew, we are advised to be less concerned with the wrong we see in others and more concerned about the fruit we are bearing in our own lives.

Has there been a time in your life when you found you were wrong about someone? Have you ever rushed to judgement about someone only to discover you were being unfair or you didn’t have the whole story? How does this parable connect with and what lessons can be learned in these types of situations?

Offer a prayer of confession for those times you focus too much on us vs. them and pray for a deeper commitment to “we”.