
Led to Freedom

Often, in our lives, we find ourselves on a journey that requires us to trust that God will make a way for us.

Read Psalm 105:1-6, 23-26.

Here, the psalmist recalls the miraculous way God led the Hebrew people out of captivity in Egypt. Their Exodus was a long, difficult journey that required trust in God’s grace. They had no way of knowing how God would provide and protect, but they still struck out for the promised land. Often, in our lives, we find ourselves on a journey that requires us to trust that God will make a way for us, even if we cannot predict what that will look like.

From what do you need to be freed? What would it take to leave it behind and turn towards new life? Could it be that God has already brought you this far and you can trust that God will continue to provide and protect?

Offer a prayer of commitment to following God along the journey towards freedom from sin, death, and fear.