
Letting Go

To what do you cling that God might be calling you to release?

Read 2 Kings 2:1-12.

In this reading, it seems everyone involved knows that Elijah’s time on earth is limited – Elijah, Elisha, and the prophets of the areas through which they pass. It’s interesting to think about why Elijah kept wanting Elisha to stay behind and about why Elisha not only refused to leave his side, but also why he didn’t want anyone to talk about what was about to happen. Maybe Elijah wants to protect Elisha and vice versa.

Maybe Elisha wants to squeeze every ounce of instruction he can out of his mentor or maybe he’s afraid to have a difficult conversation about Elijah’s impending death. Still, even as Elisha refuses to let Elijah go easily, it needed to happen for God to do something new through Elisha. How often do we refuse to let go – of a person, a relationship, an idea, an attitude, a project, etc. – even when we know it is for the best? To what do you cling that God might be calling you to release? How might letting go make room for God’s work?

In prayer, ask God for help in relaxing your grasp on the things of this world.