

Abraham and Sarah’s story teaches us that real, lasting change often takes years and God is eternally patient with us.

Read Genesis 17:1-7, 15-16.

This is the third time God makes this covenant with Abram and it has been 24 years since God first promised a multitude of descendants. This promise takes years to unfold and during those years, there are many times that Abram and Sarai act with faithfulness and trust. At other times, they doubt God’s promise and take matters into their own hands, only to have their plans fall flat. After all this time, God does something different, giving Abram and Sarai new names: Abraham and Sarah. Maybe it has taken this long for the two to become the people God needs them to be for the purpose of starting something new.

For many of us, it takes a lifetime to leave behind the past hurts and failures, schemes and dreams that keep us from living fully into who God would have us be. Often, we are impatient with God’s promise of a better future and try to force things to work out in our favor. And when that doesn’t work, it is all-to-easy to lose hope. Abraham and Sarah’s story teaches us that real, lasting change often takes years and God is eternally patient with us. Even when we lose faith in ourselves, God does not lose faith in us. Even when we lose faith in others, God does not. God continues to name us and claim us.

What, in your life, has been a long-time coming? How willing have you been to trust God’s timing and method in this matter?

Today, release this longing to God and ask for the Spirit to infuse you with peace and trust that all will be well.