
Chosen and Loved

By nature, adoption is about being chosen, included, and loved.

Read Romans 8:12-17.

β€œFor you did not receive a spirit of slavery to fall back into fear, but you have received a spirit of adoption.” By nature, adoption is about being chosen, included, and loved. I have heard of parents telling their adoptive children that they are especially loved because they were chosen as their own, unique selves to become a part of their family. The hope, of course, is that this affirmation will help to develop a feeling of worthiness and belonging, which leads to a sense of identity and an understanding of what it means to live as a part of that family. There are many things in life that try to capture our allegiance, our attention, or our devotion, but not all of them reflect the values that are important in the family of God.

What impact does the idea of being uniquely chosen by God have on the way you view and respond to the world? How does knowing that this is also true for others – even those you may have a hard time relating to or accepting – affect your ability to view yourself as a part of the same family? What characteristics and traits do you think are important in the family of God?

Today, lift the family of God in prayer, asking that all may feel loved, worthy, and accepted. And that every life would reflect the values and meet the expectations that come with this common identity as child of God.