

“I give you thanks, O Lord, with my whole heart.”

Read Psalm 138.

“I give you thanks, O Lord, with my whole heart.” This brings to mind Jesus’ commandment to love God with our whole heart, soul, mind, and strength. For me, there are those times when I am fully in the moment of worship – when I do feel like I am giving thanks with everything I am. And then there are those times when I am singing a hymn and my mind wanders to what is next in the order of service. Or I am marveling at the beauty of creation and my mind goes to my frustration over a situation. Or I begin to pray and find myself rehashing a conversation or obsessing over “what ifs” that will probably not ever happen.

In what setting are you best able to give thanks with your whole heart? How could you create a sacred space that would help in focusing your attention on God?

Today, set a timer for 3 minutes and offer God praise for all the things for which you are thankful. If your mind begins to wander, take a deep breath, center yourself on God once again, and continue.