
Spiritual Armor

This is an invitation to trust God to equip us for every task.

Read Ephesians 6:10-20.

Quite often, when we’re gearing up for a challenge or heading into a difficult situation, we think our ability to get through it lies in our own strength, independence, competence, intelligence, or charisma. In this reading, Paul gives us a different uniform: truth, righteousness, peacefulness, and faithfulness – all fortified by the promise of salvation and defended by the Spirit. In many ways, rather than to double down on self-dependence, this is an invitation to trust God to equip us for every task.

Think of the most difficult situation you have ever gone through. What (or who) got you through to the other side of it? In what ways did God equip you to endure that time? How easy is it for you to “let go and let God”? Think of a difficult situation in your life or in the world right now. Imagine it being encapsulated in truth, righteousness, peacefulness, and faithfulness. Now surrender it to God and offer a prayer of trust.