
On Feeling Competetive

How does ego, pride, and insecurity figure into the kingdom of God?

Read Mark 9:38-50.

Like the disciples, I am guilty of becoming competitive with other people or organizations or churches. Sometimes I look at the good that they are doing, at the lives impacted, or at the success they may be having and for whatever reason, feel threatened by it. I view them with suspicion. Rather than reflect on what that says about me, my tendency is to complain about their method or to call their motives into question.

Am I alone in this or can you identify? What does Jesus’ response to his disciples teach us about competitiveness and God’s kingdom? In what ways does questioning the good that someone else is doing place a stumbling block before their work? In what ways does it place a stumbling block before your own growth as a follower of Jesus? How does ego, pride, and insecurity figure into the kingdom of God?

Today, look for a person/group/church of which you are not a part. In prayer, celebrate the positive impact they are having on the community and world, and pray God’s continued blessing over their work.