
From Generation to Generation

Paul’s words are a beautiful reminder of the path the Gospel message has taken to finally arrive at your door.

Read 1 Corinthians 15:1-11.

Paul’s words are a beautiful reminder of the path the Gospel message has taken to finally arrive at your door. The story of God’s redemptive actions through Jesus Christ has been passed along from generation to generation, no matter the deadly consequences especially for those early believers.

Think of the people who have shared the gospel message with you. Maybe it was a parent or grandparent, maybe it was a Sunday school teacher, or a neighbor. What about their words, actions, or presence left an impression on you? To what degree did their understanding and expression of faith have an impact on yours? Today, think of someone who could use an encouraging word or who would benefit from hearing the good news that Jesus loves them and is walking with them. Make time to stop by, to give them a call, or write them a note.

In prayer, thank God for all the saints who continued to proclaim a message of hope even when things seemed hopeless and commit yourself to doing the same.