
Water and Wine

Read John 2:1-11.

This is a rich story of Jesus’ first miracle in the gospel of John. Mary understands the shame this might bring on the host of the wedding and she knows how to remedy the situation. She tells Jesus to do what she knows he can do. His hesitation is interesting. Is he worried he can’t do it and will look foolish? Does he know that once he steps onto the path of his mission and ministry, there’s no turning back? Does he want to be a regular wedding guest like everyone else for just a little longer?

Regardless of his initial reticence, he obeys his mother, far exceeding her expectations, turning water into the best wine anyone there had ever tasted. Sometimes we need a little encouragement to step outside of our comfort zone and try something new.

Can you think of a time in your life when this has been the case? Who encouraged you? How much prodding did it take? What were your fears or hesitations? How did it work out in the end? Is there something new you’ve been thinking of trying – maybe a new ministry, a new hobby, a new friendship? Who is someone you could share this with who would encourage you to go for it? What is the worst that could happen?

Today in prayer, ask for the courage to try something new and for a soft landing if your effort fails.


Many Gifts, One Spirit

Read 1 Corinthians 12:1-11.

In this passage, Paul is reminding the church that within the body of Christ, there are a variety of gifts. Each is given and each is enacted by the Spirit of God. This wisdom should help us to recognize and appreciate the gifts of others, while at the same time challenging us to do the same with ours. It is a call to be good stewards of the gifts we are given, to hone these gifts, and to be willing and ready to share them. A lot of the time, I find myself comparing my gifts to those of others and all-too-often, slide down the slope into self-criticism or envy. To do this, though, reveals a lack of gratitude for what God has done to equip me for a specific calling in different times and places.

Of the gifts listed in this reading, do you feel you have any of them? What other gifts have you been given? In what ways do you appreciate and share these gifts? How might God be challenging you to use these gifts in answering a specific call?

Offer a prayer of praise and gratitude for the variety of gifts represented in yourself and in the people you know. Commit yourself to a more intentional practice of affirming these gifts.


A Study in Contrast

Read Psalm 36.

In this psalm, there is a clear distinction between the all-too-human heart and the steadfast love of God. When we are in a cycle of sin, we often try to justify our bad behavior both to ourselves and to others. Not only does this prevent any self-reflection or self-accountability, but our thoughts, words, and ill motives can also spill over into other areas of our lives. Contrast this to God’s love, faithfulness, righteousness, and justice, which wash over all of creation.

This psalm invites us to consider the effect of sin on our relationships and on what we contribute to the world. It challenges us to choose a better, more life-giving and life-receiving path of the One who is loving, faithful, righteous, and just.

Today, offer a prayer of confession for any sin in your life – both the visible and the hidden – and find hope in the assurance of God’s forgiveness.


You Are Mine

Read Isaiah 43:1-7.

The promises God makes to Israel in these passages point to the intimacy between the Creator and the created. There are those who believe if a person has enough faith, says the right words, or thinks the right thoughts, then their life will be free from difficulty. There is no such promise in these verses. Instead, we read, “when you pass through the flood or when you walk through the flames…”

Trials in life are inevitable, but we don’t pass through them on our own. God, who knows us, calls us by name and loves us, comes alongside and accompanies us, redeeming the situation for at least a measure of good. To what degree do the words in these verses bring you comfort or hope?

Think of a difficult situation in your life or in the world. In prayer, offer it to God and listen for the words, “Do not be afraid. I am with you. I love you and you are mine.”


Baptized in Water

Read Luke 3:15-17, 21-22.

The story of Jesus’ baptism is included in all four gospels, each with a little different take on what happened. Interestingly, in Luke, it’s not clear whether John was even there for Jesus’ baptism. If we read chapter 3 straight through, it seems that John is put in prison and then Jesus is baptized. Luke’s account makes it seem like this baptism is a direct interaction between God and Jesus alone. It is about God claiming Jesus as Son and Beloved. It is an identity that will shape Jesus’ ministry from that point on.

This is a story that invites us to think about what our baptism, what God’s claim on us, means in our lives. How does your identity as beloved child of God affect the way you interact with and respond to the world? What evidence of your baptism is there in the way you think, speak, and behave? What fruit is your baptism bearing?

Today, think about what it means for God to lay claim on your life and in prayer, commit yourself to living out your baptismal vows. If you’re not sure what those vows include, read them here:


Grafted In

Read Acts 8:14-17.

An important part of baptism is that it grafts the baptized into the body of Christ. We know from stories in the gospels that Samaritans were not generally accepted as orthodox. They worshiped the same God, but held different beliefs about worship than other Jews. These verses show the apostles are carrying out Jesus’ commission in Acts 1:8, where he says, “You will be my witnesses in Jerusalem, in all Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth.”

It is a reminder that we, too, are to be bearers of good news to all people, even and especially to those we might otherwise think of as unworthy or unacceptable. In what ways do you use your interactions to bring good news into people’s lives? How intentional are you about interacting with, welcoming, and including those who are different from you?

Offer a prayer of praise for the ever-growing, all-inclusive body of Christ.


Nothing to Fear

Read Psalm 29.

This psalm speaks to the power and strength of God, whose voice thunders over the waters, topples trees, flashes fire, strips the forest bare. And how does God use this mighty power? To hurt and destroy? Not at all. Verse 11 tells us God gives strength to God’s people and blesses them with peace. As followers of Jesus, we’re told that we are filled with the power of the Holy Spirit.

The question is how we will use it. Will we use the strength and power that is within us to hurt and destroy? Or will we use it for blessing and for peace? In this passage, the words in yesterday’s reading from Isaiah come to mind. “Do not be afraid.” God has the power to destroy, but because of love, chooses instead to create and to bless. There is nothing to fear when it comes to God.

In prayer, thank God for strength when you need it and ask God to help you in becoming a peacemaker.


Called by a New Name

Read Isaiah 62:1-5.

These words are likely addressed to those who have returned to a decimated Jerusalem after the Babylonian exile. In vs. 2, we read, “You shall be called by a new name.” In what other Bible stories do people receive a new name? How do these names reflect God’s action in the person’s life? What are the names by which you are called? How do they reflect your identity?

In prayer, thank God for the name you have been given: Beloved.


Paying Homage or Threatening Revenge

Read Matthew 2:1-12.

While the wise men responded to the news of Jesus’ birth with joy, Herod responded with fear. While the wise men viewed Jesus as the hope of the world, Herod viewed him as a threat. While the wise men sought to worship Jesus, Herod plotted to have him killed. How do you explain the difference between the two reactions to the birth of Jesus? What do you think was so frightening to Herod? What do you think the wise men understood about Jesus’ birth that his own people didn’t?

To truly give ourselves over to Christ means that some things in our lives will be threatened – our self-dependence, our self-righteousness, or self-interest. This letting go can be painful and frightening. It involves being vulnerable enough to admit we’re not perfect, that we can’t do it on our own, and that we are not the center of the universe. But it also involves the freedom that comes with knowing that we don’t have to be perfect because we’re forgiven, loved, and inspired to become more Christ-like. It involves the freedom of knowing we don’t have to do it on our own. It involves the freedom of aligning our wants and needs with those of others.

Today, consider what it is you seek when you come to Jesus. In prayer, ask God for help in finding it or clarity if you should be seeking something else.


Fellow Heirs

Read Ephesians 3:1-12.

An important ministry for Paul was taking the gospel message to the Gentiles. For those who believed that Jesus had only come to bring good news to Jewish people, the notion of the salvation of Christ being available to those outside the faith was met with resistance or outright hostility. Paul, in fact, insists that Gentiles have become ‘fellow heirs, members of the same body, and sharers in the promise in Christ Jesus through the gospel.’ There may have been some who, even if they accepted Gentiles as part of the body of Christ, might still have viewed them as inferior in some way. Be honest with yourself and with God.

Are there people or groups of people you view as inferior or not quite as worthy? Do the thoughts you have or the words you speak or the messages you share on social media reflect that “better-than” attitude? Slowly reread this passage, substituting the name of the person or group you have identified for the word “Gentiles”. (“I, Paul, am a prisoner for Christ Jesus for the sake of you ___________…) How might this practice affect your perception of their worthiness as fellow heirs?

Today, pray for an open heart towards those you have a tendency to view as less-than.