
Honest Examination

When we inevitably sin, we have an advocate in Jesus, freeing us to begin again with a clean slate.

Read 1 John 1:1-2:2.

This passage speaks both to the importance and to the possibilities of self-examination and repentance. As we read in Romans 3:23, we all sin and fall short of the glory of God. I suspect most of our sin is not overt and visible to others. That truth does not make sin any less harmful to our relationship with God, others, or self. In fact, according to this passage, ignoring or denying our sin means we are lying to ourselves and to God, making it impossible to expose our true selves – warts and all – to the light of God. The promise in these verses, though, is that when we inevitably sin, we have an advocate in Jesus, who sacrificed himself for our sin, freeing us to begin again with a clean slate and allowing us to live in the light once again.

Spend some time in self-reflection today. What sins in your life do you have a hard time admitting even to yourself? How have these sins disrupted relationship with God, others, or yourself?

In prayer, offer a confession and give thanks for the atoning work of Christ Jesus.