
Overflowing Love

When we become saturated with God’s love, there is nowhere else for it to go, but to the people around us.

Read 1 John 3:16-24.

“Little children, let us love, not in word or speech, but in truth and action.” ‘Little children,’ in this letter, refers to those who are new to the faith. This letter is meant as a primer for those who are figuring out what it looks like to be a disciple of Jesus Christ. The inner workings of the Holy Spirit create a new life grounded in the love of God. The natural outflow of this transformation is sacrificial love.

When we become saturated with God’s love, there is nowhere else for it to go, but to the people around us. It becomes undeniable in the way we show compassion and mercy, and in our willingness to shift our focus from our own comforts to those who are in need. Human need may take on many forms: need of adequate food and shelter, need of an advocate, need of acceptance and belonging, need of forgiveness, need of a safe haven, the need to be seen, the need for affection…

In what ways do you show the love of God in truth and action? Think of the people you see on a regular basis. What needs might they have and how has God equipped you to address that need?

Today, offer this prayer: God of Transformation, fill me with your Spirit and guide me into an encounter with someone in need. Give me eyes that see and ears that listen. Empower me to obey your commandment to love as Jesus loves, for it is in his name I pray. Amen.