
Good Shepherd

When Jesus says, “I am the Good Shepherd,” he is making a promise.

Read John 10:11-18.

When Jesus says, “I am the Good Shepherd,” he is making a promise. He is saying that when we are trying to navigate an intimidating and confusing world, we aren’t alone. When we feel tempted to wander away from our communities, to try to make it on our own and fail to lean on those who care about us, Jesus keeps us in his sight, reminding us there is no distance too great that he will not guard us and hold us close. When the pressures of the world leave us feeling exhausted and depleted, we can rest safely knowing our Shepherd never sleeps nor slumbers so that we can.

A shepherd has many roles within the flock. Think of as many as you can. Which of these roles is especially important in your life right now? What feels threatening to you today? What is your biggest fear?

In prayer, offer these up to your Shepherd, finding peace and trusting that you have someone guarding, guiding, gathering you in, and leading you to green pastures.